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1195 [Munwhajournal21] Are your eyes ‘Burning type’? 2010.01.27
1194 [Osen] What is so mysterious about Mona Lisa smile? 2010.01.27
1193 [Bnt News] What an embarrassing exposure of undressing picture! The new movie of Mega... 2010.01.25
1192 [The Chosun Ilbo][Why] ‘Refreshing look’ with a ‘muscular body’ 2010.01.23
1191 [Bnt News] Drinking water to gain weight? 2010.01.21
1190 [The Culture Journal] The eye, so called the window of mind. Can we make it bigger? 2010.01.20
1189 [Bnt News] An attractive nose without operations! 2010.01.20
1188 [cookie news] Breast impants, what is a good size for you? 2010.01.19
1187 [bnt news] Alphabets, hiding on my face? 2010.01.18
1186 [Bnt news] Obesity, contagious to the close friends? 2010.01.14
1185 [culture journal] Over 10 milion of people in Korea suffering from hair loss? 2010.01.14
1184 [Bnt news] A rising star in Hollywood in 2010? 2010.01.13
1183 [Osen] Good bye to ‘D line’, and hello to ‘S line’ 2010.01.13
1182 [Bnt News] The secret of a stylish face 2010.01.09
1181 [Arts News] Eye expression of actors, so seductive! 2010.01.08
1180 [The Chosun Ilbo] High quality service with a low price, ‘Korean wave’ of Medical Tou... 2010.01.06
1179 [Osen] The truth and false about ‘Breast plastic surgery’ 2010.01.06
1178 [Korea Economic] Hollywood ‘The heaven of sexy stars’, truth and falsity of glamorous... 2010.01.04
1177 [Economy World] New year, let’s live in stress-free life 2010.01.04
1176 [Korea Economic] Let’s do exercise this winter 2009.12.31
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