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1175 [The JoongAng Daily] 25000 of foreign patients, 3 Trillion market, ‘Plastic Surgery H... 2009.12.28
1174 [Korea Economic] Remember only this, before go on a diet 2009.12.28
1173 [Cookie News] Need an intelligent and sophisticated look for an interview? 2009.12.26
1172 [Korea Economic] Bad habits messing your face 2009.12.26
1171 [Munhwajournal21] Natural ample bosom, the solution is cohesive gel 2009.12.24
1170 [Osen] Rhinoplasty for men, different to women’s? 2009.12.23
1169 [Korea Economic] Small face, created by hangs styling! 2009.12.23
1168 [Herald Economic] ‘Angels’ temptation’ is ‘Heaven for crime’? 2009.12.22
1167 [News Wave] BK DongYang Plastic Surgery Clinic signed a contract with postoperative c... 2009.12.18
1166 [Munhwajournal21] 14 days of postoperative care service by an expert 2009.12.17
1165 [Korea Ecomomic] Increasing wrinkles, treat differently on each area 2009.12.17
1164 [The JungAng Daily] Winter, is the season for calf reduction 2009.12.16
1163 [Maeil Business Newspaper] Even Transgender people can’t avoid, ‘Masculine depilation... 2009.12.15
1162 [Korea Economic] Pretty eye, double eyelids surgery is not the only solution 2009.12.14
1161 [Cookie News] Who is the best existing ‘David’? 2009.12.12
1160 [Seoul Economic] Increase in implanting hairs among young people 2009.12.12
1159 [Korea Economic] Envious of voluptuous beauty of Venus? 2009.12.11
1158 [YonhapNews] Bursting bubble in Hair Implant Market 2009.12.10
1157 [Maeil Business Newspaper] Bursting bubble in Hair Implant Market 2009.12.10
1156 [Korea Economic] Beautiful Cleopatra, changed the history 2009.12.10
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