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1155 [Money Today] BK DongYang Plastic Surgery Clinic, Hair Implant Center expansion 2009.12.09
1154 [Munhwajournal21] Do not hide nasty dark circles. Let’s erase them! 2009.12.09
1153 [Korea Economic] Remember three things if you want to be a ‘Party Queen’ 2009.12.08
1152 [The JoongAng Daily] Icy look, the biggest obstacle to be a couple 2009.12.07
1151 [LeAile] The would-be fresher, how to be a campus queen-2009년12월호 2009.12.06
1150 [Korea Economy]Celebrities' Successful Diet …Jessica Gomes & ‘Kimchi’?-2009312.05 2009.12.05
1149 [Cookie News]The Reason Why Yū Aoi is adored by Japanese? 2009.12.05
1148 [Korea Economic] ‘Brangelina’, the most influential couple in Hollywood 2009.12.04
1147 [The JungAng Daily] SAT students becoming prettier while waiting for the results 2009.12.03
1146 [Korea Economic] Cheong Ryoung Movie Awards’ Actresses, Make-up code is ‘Natural Smok... 2009.12.03
1145 [DongA Daily] Being a Celebrity in Korea<1>Make a Star ‘Big Bang’ 2009.12.03
1144 [Osen] Dismiss a prejudice ‘It is hard to calculate an exact calorie’! 2009.12.02
1143 [Korea Economic] Zygoma, makes you prettier 2009.12.02
1142 [Sports Josun] The best femme fatale, selected by Plastic Surgeons. 2009.11.30
1141 [Korea Economic] Yang Mi Ra, came back to television…‘2 years after confession of hav... 2009.11.30
1140 [The JungAng Daily] The secret of becoming look younger than that of last year 2009.11.30
1139 [Korea Economic] Reveal ‘Nasty hair loss’! 2009.11.27
1138 [The JoongAng Daily] A correct answer for bald head treatment 2009.11.26
1137 [Munhwajournal21] This winter, let’s try skinny jeans with lower body exercise 2009.11.25
1136 [Maeil Economic] Golden ratio of eye, the window of mind 2009.11.24
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