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1055 [The joongAng Daily] Trip to find real me instead of going overseas 2009.08.27
1054 [Korea Economic] History remembers the beauty. 2009.08.27
1053 [Korea Economic] The scent, stealing your heart? 2009.08.26
1052 [The Culture Journal] Anti-aging foods? 2009.08.26
1051 [Osen] The country of beauty ‘Venezuela’, is it created? 2009.08.26
1050 [The joongAng Daily] Want to wear a Bikini? 2009.08.21
1049 [Korea Economic] Take off the corset 2009.08.19
1048 [E-Today] Anti-wrinkle products, no more ‘Botox’, now is ‘Medi-toxin’ 2009.08.19
1047 [OSEN] Why Hollywood stars undergoing whole body plastic surgery? 2009.08.19
1046 [Cookie News] Let’s make nice breast with healthy lifestyle 2009.08.18
1045 [Health Korea News] ‘Botox’ market share falls down 2009.08.18
1044 [Korea Economic] We will give you a good fortune! 2009.08.15
1043 [Korea Economic] ‘The luxury nose’ Han Ga In…who is the best celebrity for each part? 2009.08.15
1042 [Arts News] Hate your flare nose while smiling? 2009.08.14
1041 [Korea Economic] Thinner! Dizzier! What a charming ‘high-heels’! 2009.08.13
1040 [Munhwajournal21] Precise brassiere size measurement 2009.08.13
1039 [The joongAng Daily] Scar, the biggest fault on my smooth skin 2009.08.12
1038 [Korea Economic]Meganfox, Conquered men with two V line? 2009.08.12
1037 [OSEN]Drop hair transplantation prices , coming two hundred won 2009.08.12
1036 [Korea Economic]Do you want to make your eyes like carton charactors? 2009.08.10
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