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1455 [bnt news]Lee Ji Ah. Got a hair cut, Giving off her Charm-2011-10-20 2011.10.20
1454 [bnt news]Hair Losing, Early detection could help!-2011-10-18 2011.10.18
1453 [ChoSun Daily]Meeting with a Noted Doctor - BKDY Plastic Surgery Hospital Director-20... 2011.10.17
1452 [REUTERS]Pop culture, wealthy Chinese spur medical tourism in Asia-2011-10-04 2011.10.04
1451 [Asia Economy]GangNam-GU Became a Mecca for Medical Tourists!-2011-09-25 2011.09.25
1450 [Seoul Times]Korean Advanced Medical Technology Fascinated People Around the world. -... 2011.09.24
1449 [SeGye Daily]BKDY Participated in BIO Industry International Event 2011-2011-09-23 2011.09.23
1448 [bnt News]'Baby Face' Craze, Having a Oval Face, V-Line and Chubby Cheeks at the same... 2011.09.08
1447 [bnt News]Married Women “Sagging Breasts after Breast Feeding“-2011-09-05 2011.09.05
1446 [Maeil Daily]Getting Botox Injection by an Unlicensed Surgeon. Be Cautious!-2011-08-2... 2011.08.27
1445 [YonHap News]Botox Injection. Distinguish between Genuine from fake one.-2011-08-24 2011.08.24
1444 [bnt News]Chuseok Holidays crowds, Places where Salarymen Visit instead of Returning ... 2011.08.23
1443 [NEWSIS]Botox Injection at Low Price?..“Doubting Illegal Medical Practice“-2011-08-23 2011.08.23
1442 [Money Today]BKDY Plastic Surgery Hospital, Received Top Rankings for Attracting Over... 2011.08.22
1441 [bnt news]Don't like Small Eye, Nor Do I like Guys with Thick Eyelids-2011-08-18 2011.08.18
1440 [bnt news]Summer Holidays in Overseas, Wearing Bared Bikini?-2011-08-17 2011.08.17
1439 [AJ Economy]K-POP Wave Super Junior Giving off Sexual Charm.. Six Packs Choi Shi Won-... 2011.08.11
1438 [bnt news]'Receding Chin Correction' Reborn with favourable impression. -2011-08-10 2011.08.10
1437 [AFFUENT]How to become the next “BAGEL GIRL” in town-2011-08-10 2011.08.10
1436 [bnt news]'Boss' Choi Gang Hee I'm a Pretty n' Baby Face Girl-2011-08-05 2011.08.05
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