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1395 [bnt news]The secret of the celebrities' make-over, what is facial contouring?-2011-0... 2011.05.12
1394 [bnt news] The secret of celebrity beauty is 'prognathism surgery?'-2011-05-12 2011.05.12
1393 [Chosun Daily] 2011.05.11
1392 [My Daily] "The season of wedding' How to become the most beautiful bride!-2011-05-06 2011.05.06
1391 [Daily Economy] China and Japanese tourists say, -2011-05-06 2011.05.06
1390 [bnt news]The secret of the celebrities' make-over, what is facial contouring?-2011-0... 2011.05.05
1389 [Korea Economy] BK DongYang plastic surgery clinic, a consultation to improve wrinkle... 2011.05.03
1388 [bnt news] Celebrity fashion styling, make beautiful breast line!-2011-05-03 2011.05.03
1387 [My Daily] Square jaw 'macho man' is a history… Men are dreaming of V-line!-2011-04-2... 2011.04.29
1386 [OSEN] Ingesting rate of protein is the key of successful diet?-2011-04-28 2011.04.28
1385 [bnt news] How to improve 'square jaw and cheekbone'?-2011-04-26 2011.04.26
1384 [My Daily] 'Hot issue girl' The charming point of Lee, Ji-ah is 'intellligent looking... 2011.04.22
1383 [bnt news] Women with high bridged nose are attractive? Men need it more! -2011-04-21 2011.04.21
1382 [Money Today] How to solve the protruding mouth problem even after orthodontic treatm... 2011.04.19
1381 [My Daily] Want to be 'Bagel girl'? You can't just have big breasts -2011-04-18 2011.04.18
1380 [Korea Economy] What plastic surgeons from Seoul hospital are good at… -2011-04-13 2011.04.13
1379 [bnt news] Male office workers, the salary changes based on their nose shape?-2011-04... 2011.04.12
1378 [My Daily] Shortcut to youthful face… Post-op management after 'face contouring surge... 2011.04.08
1377 [bnt news] How to look 5 years younger by having 'Autologous fat graft'-2011-04-07 2011.04.07
1376 [My Daily] Celebrity diet fever, Can I also become 'HOT?' -2011-04-01 2011.04.01
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