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655 [Maeil Economy] - I'm going to Korea for Lee Young Ae's nose 2007.8.27 2007.09.01
654 [e Health Network] Major changes in hospitals as medical business - 2007.08.28 2007.09.01
653 [BLOOMBERG] Chae Rim's Eyes, Nose make Korea the plase for Asia Double Lids 2007.8.27 2007.08.30
652 [DongA Daily] Mind towards hospital management is in progress of changing 2007.8.8 2007.08.23
651 [Maekyung Economy] Professional Business M&A for plastic surgery 2007.08.08 2007.08.23
650 Chinese magazine - Huran Juwoo 2007.7.27 2007.08.06
649 SBS Morning News - Bigger and even bigger, Plastic surgery clinics as big hospitals 2... 2007.08.06
648 SBS News and Daily Economy - Bigger and even bigger, hospitals become major business ... 2007.08.06
647 [Weekly DongA] - The biggest plastic surgery hospital in nationwide is born 2007.8.7 2007.08.01
646 CEONEWS - Rule over the global market beyond Asia 2007.07.30 2007.08.01
645 [Financial News] - To declare the best plastic surgery techniques in the world (2) 20... 2007.08.01
644 [Financial News] - To declare the best plastic surgery techniques in the world (1) 20... 2007.08.01
643 [Medigate] - Synerge from two plastic surgery clinics' merger 2007.7.20 2007.07.26
642 [Sports Kan]- A big plastic surgery hospital has appeared. -2007.07.09 2007.07.23
641 [e Health Network] The biggest plastic surgery hospital in Korea - 2007.07.08 2007.07.08
640 [Seoul Newspaper] The biggest plastic surgery clinic opens in Korea - 2007.07.07 2007.07.07
639 [Sports Seoul] - New start for BK Plastic Surgery - 2007.07.06 2007.07.06
638 [Focus] - “Rising to be the world-renown plastic surgery hospital - 2007.07.06 2007.07.06
637 [Medical Today] -M&A between hospitals after networking - 2007.07.04 2007.07.04
636 [Herald Economy] - BK Plastic Surgery and Dongyang Plastic Surgery on 7th... 2007.07.... 2007.07.04
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 [56] 57 58 59 60 ▶ 
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