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Article Location : Home > Media > Article
No Subject Date
575 Woman Joong-Ang November 2004 column 2004.11.03
574 [Goodday Column] - Standards for pretty lips are the same for both Eastern/Western cu... 2004.08.17
573 [Goodday Column] - Well-looking group who search for plastic surgery info before surg... 2004.07.31
572 [Goodday Column] - Protruding chin correction must be performed along with orthodonti... 2004.07.13
571 [Goodday Column] - Handsome guys who wear make-up and undergo plastic surgery - 2004.... 2004.06.25
570 [Kukmin Daily] - Loveband procedure being popular among young adults - 2004.06.16 2004.06.16
569 [Goodday Column] - Popular plastic surgery to make eyes with love bands - 2004.06.14 2004.06.14
568 [Goodday Column] - It is hard to correct facial contouring surgery 2004.06.11
567 [Goodday Column] - To look younger than your actual age - 2004.05.08 2004.05.10
566 [Goodday Column] - Too much to use the word “magic“ on plastic surgery - 2004.04.26 2004.04.26
565 [Goodday Column] - Incision within mouth leaves no scar - 2004.04.12 2004.04.12
564 [Goodday Column] - Remove your wrinkles with Botox injection - 2004.03.26 2004.03.29
563 [Goodday Column] - High bridge nose will have a rough life is a cliche - 2004.03.17 2004.03.17
562 [Goodday Column] - Correcting thick eyelids by surgery - 2004.03.02 2004.03.03
561 [Goodday Column] - Nose represents pride; it is difficult to recover after damage - 2... 2004.01.31
560 [Goodday Column] - Voluminous lips via Metridex - 2004.01.13 2004.01.13
559 [Goodday Column] - Instant makeover with simple surgery - 2003.12.27 2003.12.27
558 [Goodday Column] - Difficult revisional double eyelid surgery - 2003.11.28 2003.11.28
557 [Goodday Column] - You can wear mini skirt after one single shot - 2003.11.12 2003.11.12
556 [Goodday Column] Love band surgery...achieving cute image after 10 minutes - 2003.10.... 2003.11.10
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 [60] ▶ 
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